EPR, your recycling partner

EPR’s businesses and services:
Purchase of recycled raw materials (France and import)
From industry, local authorities, recyclers and mass retailers.
Sale of recycled raw materials
To user industries (paper mills, plastics industry, particle board manufacturers, steelmakers, metal industries, boiler plants, etc.).
EPR has an import license granted by China enabling it sell its materials directly to Chinese users without passing through an intermediary.
Exclusive delegation for the supply of recycled paper
on behalf of its industry partners.
Organization of transportation (road, rail, barge and container ship) from the supplier to the end user.
Shipment planning
And distribution of daily flows at clients’ facilities.
The company has its own logistics service. Its teams rely on a network of selected transportation companies and organize delivery of the raw materials from the point of production through to the end user.
Administrative and financial services
Creation of official documentation: tracking, cross-border movements, customs, recycling certificates.
Payment guarantee: cover for all transactions by insurers and/or financial organizations.
Transparent management: our reporting and tracking systems allow you to clearly assess our performance and the financial savings generated.
Quality service – Compliance with environmental and social standards
For EPR, this is a key driver for its growth. It has a tracking system for the recycled materials it sells. EPR also checks the environmental compliance of the industries that it supplies with recycled raw materials. EPR is certified ISO9001.
Research and development
Continuous research into new streams for materials recovery and recycling.